
In the second year of the Reiwa Era, Japan is facing unprecendented change. Along with the arrival of a new Prime Minister, the nation is also being promised a new “Digital Agency” that will cut through the red tape of the old bureaucracy and modernize government for the betterment of its citizens.

But will it truly better the lives of citizens? Or will it only enhance the power of an already powerful government?

One of the policy goals of this “Digital Agency” is to expand the use of the already unpopular MyNumber system, which consolidates the personal and financial information of citizens into a single database under constant government surveillance.

In recent years, we have also seen the creation of Chinese-style Social Credit score systems such as “JScore”, which offer an inescapable Panopticon in exchange for a few paltry virtual points or discount coupons. Though JScore is a private venture, it is already known that Japan’s “Digital Agency” will lean heavily on the private sector. The possibility for the integration of JScore into the MyNumber system is not only possible, but likely.

Finally, the cooperation of certain Japanese agencies… most notably the Cabinet Intelligence Research Office and the Directorate for Signals Intelligence… with foreign intelligence agencies shows that not only is total surveillance of the Japanese internet happening, it is largely done at the behest of foreign powers.

The likelihood that all of these things to be integrated and expanded upon under the “Digital Agency” creates the potential for a total surveillance state under which the citizens’ right to privacy will be violated as never before.

That potential is already in the process of being realized. It was only one year ago that the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications wanted to request Japanese ISPs to actively block websites under the pretense of stopping manga piracy. Now the Ministry has yet another “interesting proposal” to offer.

On May 23rd this year, Japanese wrestler Hana Kimura tragically ended her own life. The media was quick the seize upon the story, making hateful internet comments the sole reason for Hana Kimura’s passing. Popular anger was mobilized, and then exploited to lobby for amendments to laws governing the Disclosure of Sender Identification Information. These laws provide liability protection to service providers and online platforms when requested to disclose personal information of their users in response to lawsuits.
今年の5月23日に、女子プロレスラー木村 花さんは悲しいことに自ら命を絶ってしまいました。マスコミは早急にこの事件に付け込み、木村さんの自殺を全部オンライン中傷コメントのせいにしました。これを口実に世論を利用し、政府が発信者情報開示に関する法律への改正を働き掛けました。この法律は、情報の流通によって権利の侵害があった場合について、プロバイダーの損害賠償責任の制限そして発信者情報を開示する権利を定めます。

Under new proposals, internet service providers and platform operators would be requested to not only maintain logs of user IP addresses and timestamps of user activity, but also to disclose phone numbers used for Two-Factor Authentication. Lawyers in favor of these amendments even speak of automated infrastructure to more quickly and easily harvest phone numbers and other identifying information on request from providers.

Online slander can certainly cause problems and even harm to individuals, but increased surveillance is not an acceptable solution. Indeed, any such surveillance power is likely to be abused under the umbrella of a future “Digital Agency”, with the definition of “slander” expanded to include government critics and independent journalists.

As we have often said in the past, relying on third parties to defend your rights is almost the same as having no rights at all. They only exist as far as your ability to defend them yourself, and the right to privacy is no different. If the Japanese government wishes to collect identifying information from online platforms, then our only choice is to use platforms that cannot provide any identifying information at all.

In the past, we have introduced a variety of software solutions to allow you to protect your own privacy online. This time、in response to the Caller Information Disclosure proposals, we wish to introduce “Session”.

Session is an open-source messaging application which uses decentralised storage servers and an onion routing protocol to send end-to-end encrypted messages with minimal exposure of user metadata. Session works to reduce metadata collection in several ways:
セッション はオープン・ソース、安全なメッセンジャーアプリです。分散型記憶サーバ、そしてオニオンルーティング・プロトコルにより、メタデータの暴露をできる限り防止しながら、終端間暗号化されたメッセージを通信します。

Firstly, Session does not rely on central servers, instead using a decentralised network of thousands of nodes.

Secondly, Session ensures that IP addresses cannot be linked to messages sent or received by users.

Thirdly, Session does not ask or require users to provide a phone number or email address when registering a new account. Instead, it uses cryptographic keys as the basis of an account’s identity.

Session has recently been translated into Japanese, and is available for download on a variety of platforms. Session is also part of a larger project, “Lokinet”, which provides more tools and infrastructure to help you protect your own privacy online. We are currently translating Lokinet documentation into Japanese, in hopes for a Japanese version on final release.

We encourage all Japanese internet users to follow the development of both Session and Lokinet, and begin embracing privacy protecting infrastructure now, before the “Digital Agency” fully rises to power.

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