アノニマスの見解 Ep.20: 「グレート・リセット」を防ぎ止めよう

Hello everyone. And welcome back to ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI.

The year 2020 is over, and a new year has begun. And as many people have come to realize, our problems don’t go away just by making a number increase. If anything, they’ve probably gotten worse. And promise to grow worse yet.

Of these problems, one of the biggest might be the (completely justified) loss of faith in mainstream institutions… particularly news media. To anybody paying attention, mainstream media has always been biased propaganda, of course. But over the last few years they’ve been doing a remarkably bad job of hiding it… to the point where even the common person in the street is starting to notice. And the vacuum created by this loss of faith is, unfortunately, filled by opportunists and lunatics in equal measure.

Now, I’m not saying this is necessarily by design… but it does result in a fog-of-war effect with regards to information online. Every nugget of truth is buried beneath overconfident speculation and straight-up lies. Hiding the truth in the age of information may not be easy, but a high enough noise-to-signal ratio makes it very difficult to verify, let alone find.

Case in point, the “Great Reset”. You may have heard the name before, but what exactly it is depends on who you ask. To some groups, it’s a plan by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to overthrow sovereign nations and install a communist one world government. To others, it’s a go-nowhere moonshot project cooked up at the Davos forum and doomed to failure. And to the media propagandists, it’s a fabricated conspiracy theory with no connection to reality.

Rather than argue over which version is correct, we’d like to cut through the fog of war entirely and examine the World Economic Forum’s own website on the Great Reset, where they make no effort to hide the fact that it does, in fact, exist and is being seriously considered by several world leaders. And as we’ll quickly see, even by the WEF’s own description, the Great Reset is a terrible idea that should never be realized.

The WEF begins by talking about the deep economic impact caused by COVID-19 lockdowns in countries across the world. These impacts are real, certainly… though largely caused by mandatory, government imposed closures enforced at virtual gunpoint. In the US and Europe in particular, businesses have been forcibly closed against the will of both owners and customers, and punishing fines have been given for the smallest infractions by the few businesses that are allowed to remain open. It’s interesting to note that a recent Standford study found “no clear benefits” to these lockdown measures… in other words, they did little to stop the spread of the Chinese virus. But they did, conveniently, bring about the “sharp economic downturn” that the WEF cites as justification for their plans.

“To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short”, says the WEF, “we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism”.

What specific changes does this “Great Reset” involve? The WEF is short on specifics, but big on lofty rhetoric. According to their site, they want to “steer the market towards fairer outcomes” and for governments to “promote more equitable outcomes”. What exactly does this mean? Your guess is as good as mine, but words like “fair” and “equitable outcomes” are certainly red flags. They may conjure positive images in most people’s minds, but they’re also very subjective. What constitutes “fair” is an opinion that requires a central authority to determine, and where necessary, adjust outcomes to create the kind of “fairness” it envisions. This is completely different from “equality of opportunity”, where people are given the same starting conditions but have to achieve results through their own effort.
「グレート・リセット」はどのような変革をもたらすのか? WEFは言葉遣いは仰々しいですが、その中身は乏しいです。サイトによれば、「より公平性のある市場を目指し舵取り」をしたい、そして世界中の政府に「より公平な結果を促進すること」をしてもらいたい。具体的に何をすべきかは我々の想像に任せられたらしい。でも「公平性」や「公平な結果」という言葉遣いは、一目して肯定的なイメージを呼び起こしますが、これらの言葉は実際には極めて主観的であり、危険信号と言えるでしょう。何が「公平」で何が「不公平」であるかどうかは、それぞれ異なる個人同士の意見の問題だし、事実上、決定するためには中央権力機構が必要です。その中央権力機構が決定する「公平な結果」を実現するには「強制的な調整」も必要です。これは「機会均等」、つまり同じ出発点から自分の努力で結果を得ることとは全く違います。

We are given a glimpse, however, of the WEF’s vision of a post-Great Reset world in the form of their marketing material. As far back as 2016, the WEF’s Twitter account posted an image declaring that in the year 2030 “you’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy”. Whether this was a suggestion, a promise, or a threat remains in question, since they deleted it last year after it started getting more negative attention than they wanted.
しかし、WEFは販促資料の形で彼らが部分的に「グレート・リセット後の世界観」を披露しました。かつて2016年に、WEFのTwitterアカウントはこの画像を投稿しました :「2030年、あなたの私有物は存在しなくなるだろう。だからこそ幸せになる」 これは提案なのか、約束なのか、それとも脅しなのか未だ不明ですが、その画像は去年に好ましくない形で注目を浴びた後、WEFが投稿を削除しました。

That image was based on a 2016 blog post by Ida Auken, a member of the Danish Parliament, who laid out her predictions for the year 2030 after the Great Reset was realized. These predictions include not owning your own clothing, sharing your house with random strangers, and living under round-the-clock total surveillance. Put simply, Ms. Auken’s idea of a perfect world was one where citizens owned no property at all, and only temporarily rented everything, including clothing and housing, from the government. Between “green energy” and recycling, Ms. Auken assumes there will never be a shortage of resources, and everybody can have whatever they want at any time.

After the post gained more attention, Ms. Auken attempted to clarify that this was not her utopia or dream of the future… but it’s very difficult not to read a tone of gushing praise in her predictions, nor the tone of condescension towards people who reject her fantasy world. As for the perpetual surveillance, her half-hearted concerns about it occupied a mere four sentences out of an 882-word essay. Hardly a balanced assessment of pros and cons.

It’s difficult to say whether Ms. Auken’s vision is representative of the WEF’s plans for the Great Reset, but the fact that her blog post made its way into their official PR material certainly suggests they approve of it. And that should be worrying for a number of reasons. No matter how utopian her vision of a post-scarcity future may be, it is built on the premise of stripping human beings of their agency. The reality of resource limits and the flaws of centrally planned economies means that inevitably, people will stop being able to get whatever they ask for, and will start being told what they can and can’t have… whether they’re happy with it or not. And when you own nothing, not even the clothes on your back or the roof over your head, this means your survival is completely dependent on whoever provides them to you.

The power to provide you with everything also necessarily means the power to deny you access to anything. Considering we already live in a world where mainstream political parties in the US or Australia are openly discussing denying banking or travel services to people for their political beliefs or medical decisions, it’s very believable to think a Great Reset government would happily do the same. Pair that with the total surveillance that Ms. Auken fully admits will exist, and you have the makings of a disturbing dystopia where you get to choose between total obedience to your benefactors, or being left a penniless outcast…similar to how Chinese Social Credit already functions.

Whatever the WEF’s real plans are for the Great Reset, it’s difficult to dismiss the whole thing as an impossible dream project. Leaders in the UK and Canada have already spoken in support of the idea, with terms like “build back better” as their slogan. And always insisting that COVID-19 has created a “small window of opportunity” that must be exploited quickly “before its too late”.

Rushed decision-making in a crisis is almost universally a bad idea, and sweeping changes to our society and economy should not be made by a small handful of oligarchs at the Davos Forum. Given that the WEF’s partners include Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and large firms with ties to the authoritarian Chinese government (to say nothing of other sinister, influential groups), there is almost no reason to believe the WEF’s ideas for a Great Reset will benefit the average citizen. Many of these partners are actively engaged in censorship and authoritarianism, and they will absolutely try to influence the shape of this new society to their own benefit. Far from Ida Auken’s utopia, the post-Great Reset world is more likely to be an Orwellian dystopia.
危機的状況の中で、重要なことに関して急いで決断してしまうと、物事は大抵劣悪な方向へ進むこととなります。また、とある判断が社会や経済にとって劇的な変化が伴う場合は、それをダボス会議に参加資格があるような、少数の選ばれたエリート達のみに任せるべきではありません。 WEFのパートナーの中にはグーグル、アマゾン、フェイスブック、アップル社、そして中国政府とつながりがある大企業(そして他の不吉な集団)も含まれていることも忘れないで欲しいのです。 WEFが計画する「グレート・リセット」という代物は一般の国民の利益になるわけがありません。そのパートナーの中には検閲や権威主義的な行為に賛同・参加する団体があまりにも多いのです。彼らはグレート・リセット計画に対し、自分たちの利益のために大いに影響を与えることでしょう。しかしそれは、イーダ・アウケン氏が夢想した理想的な世界とは程遠く、ジョージ・オーウェルが小説『1984年』で描いていたようなディストピアにすぎないでしょう。

Whether the Great Reset is a world domination plot or a foolish bureaucratic pipe dream, the threat it poses is the same. Sweeping changes on the scale the WEF proposes have all the same potential for damage either way. Rather than argue about the WEF’s intentions or loyalties, we’re better off focusing on our common area of interest: trying to prevent it from happening in the first place.
さて、一体グレート・リセットとは世界を支配するための計画なのでしょうか。それとも愚かな官僚支配主義的な妄想にすぎないのでしょうか。いずれにせよ、もたらされる危険は同じです。WEFが求めているような急激過ぎる変革は全世界の社会にダメージを及ぼす可能性が十分にあります。 WEFの本当の目的について議論するより、共通の目的に集中させる方が効果的です。

There’s no denying that problems exist in our societies and economies. And where an opportunity exists to make changes, it should be taken. But for these changes to be lasting and positive, they need to be created consensually by individuals and communities from the bottom up, not unilaterally by elites and oligarchs from the top down. The Great Reset is a bad idea, and the next time you see a wealthy executive or elite politician urging the need to “build back better”, you should remember that they don’t have your best interests at heart.

This was ANONYMOUS NO KENKAI… and until next time, MACHIUKE NASAI.

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